Himalayan and Lilac Body Scrub


Salt is typically coarser than sugar and slower do dissolve, which makes this salt-based scrub great for heavy-duty exfoliation.

Why salt?

Himalayan salt is our favorite sea salt to keep around because it's so rich in minerals and trace elements, like calcium, magnesium, and iron. When consumed it can help to eliminate toxins, balance electrolyte and pH levels, strengthen bones, and support circulation to name a few things. In this scrub you're nourishing your skin with all of the minerals and trace elements of the salt.

Himalayan Salt Scrub Ingredients

  • 1 cup finely ground Himalayan salt
  • 1/2 cup coconut or olive oil
  • 4-5 drops of your favourite essential oil
  • 1 handful of dried lilac petals
  • 1 small wide-mouth glass mason jar


  1. In a small glass bowl add the coconut oil and essential oil. Mash it all together with a wooden spatula.
  2. Add in the Himalayan salt.
  3. Add the lilac petals
  4. Store your Himalayan salt scrub in a glass jar. To use, rub all over your body to cleanse and exfoliate, then rinse off.

Tips for Using

  • Since this product is made with oil, be careful when using it in the shower as it can make the floor slippery.
  • If you have sensitive skin, stick to sugar scrubs.