Linden Flower Tea - The Healing Nectar


Linden leaves have a distinctive heart shape and the light yellow flowers are fragrant and delicate.

Linden Flowers have a long history of use in European Traditional Medicine. Linden Flower tea has been called the "nectar of kings" since ancient times, due to its comprehensive and impressive health benefits.

The most interesting health benefits of Linden include its ability to improve the immune system, calm and detoxify the body, eliminate anxiety, lower inflammation, and lower blood pressure.

The flowers are yellow and once dried, they can be brewed as a delicious and potent tea, which is growing in popularity around the world as more research is being done.

The health benefits of linden and linden tea are largely due to the high concentration of phytonutrients, flavonoids, and other diaphoretic substances. This unique mix of organic compounds has resulted in one of the most trusted and reliable herbal tea varieties on the market.

Health benefits :

Relieves Anxiety

One of the most frequent uses for linden tea is an anxiety aid, as its soothing properties have been known to reducemental stress and anxiety. If you suffer from mood swings or unexplained chronic stress, a cup of linden tea can be a very wise addition to your health regimen. It has a minor effect on your hormone levels, inducing a state of relaxation for both, the body and the mind.

Prevents Chronic Diseases

As with so many herbal remedies, the antioxidant content of linden is one of its best qualities. Antioxidant compounds like quercetin and kaempferol both act as free radical scavengers, eliminating harmful by-products of cellular respiration from your system and improving your overall health by preventing chronic diseases. These are particularly effective for protecting the skin against signs of aging and exposure to the sun as you age.

Detoxifies the Body

P-coumaric acid is another very beneficial organic compound found in linden, which can also be found in linden tea. It is a known diaphoretic, meaning that it induces sweating, which is a very effective way of releasing toxins from the body, along with excess salts, fat, water, and foreign substances. [5]This quality also makes linden valuable for people suffering from fevers, as inducing sweating can help lower a fever faster and prevent permanent damage to organ systems.

Reduces Cold and Flu

In addition to stimulating sweating to break a fever, linden also addresses other symptoms of cold and flu, such as inflamed or swollen membranes throughout the mouth and respiratorytracts. This can help to reduce coughing and irritation, which is why linden is often relied on, to soothe sore throatsand calm coughing. Linden tea can also help eliminate congestion, making itself a true triple-threat to colds by being a major immune system booster.

Improves Digestion

If you're suffering from an upset stomach, bloating, constipation, or cramping, sip on a cup of linden tea and settle your stomach in no time. The blend of compounds and chemicals found in linden can reduce gastrointestinal discomfort and stimulate the proper digestion and excretion of food.

Linden for Hair Health

It is also known that Linden is also beneficial for hairhealth. When you wash your hair with water, you gain a natural look by boiling Linden leaves.
This application strengthens your hair. It is also possible to prevent hair loss by strengthening scalp.
It cleans scalp of harmful bacteria and free radicals and provides protection from itching and similar diseases.

Linden Flower Tea Benefits for the Nervous System

As a relaxing nervine, linden flower tea soothes and calms the nervous system. It can be specific for anxiety that is accompanied by tension: tense shoulders, muscle cramping, tension headaches, painful menstrual cramps, etc. Also think of it for difficulty sleeping due to excessive tension.

Have a restless child who isn't interested in bedtime? Take David Hoffman's advice for a bedtime bath:

Herbs such as Tilia [Linden] and Trifolium [Red Clover] added to a bath as an infusion will have a calming effect and will prove useful before bedtime. - David Hoffman, Medical Herbalism

What is your favourite tea?


Sophie and Ellie xx
