Mind Body Wellness


Core heart feelings (love, appreciation, compassion) down-regulate the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and increase the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).

Your heart rhythms are mirrored in your emotional states. Negative emotions such as fear, anger, and hostility create disordered and irregular heart rate variability (the healthy variation in the time interval between heartbeats).

Positive emotional states have a balancing effect on the nervous system by strengthening immunity, enhancing hormonal function, and improving brain function.

In a coherent system, all the individual parts are operating in harmony and virtually no energy is lost. It is a state of least effort and maximum benefit because all the individual components are working together rather than against each other. When the rhythms of the heart become coherent, the heart's electromagnetic field becomes equally more coherent. This strengthened coherence transmits waves of healing and transformation throughout your entire system, including your brain.

Here are a few steps to achieve a mind body wellness:


When you feel appreciation, you are tuning into the good qualities of someone or something. It is both the awareness and recognition of those pleasing people, situations, and things-as well as the gratitude and thankfulness you foster for those experiences.

Being "present" and being in the "here and now" are vital for mind-body wellness

Be mindful and meditate

Get comfortable, allow your body to relax, focus on your breath and melt into silence. This is meditation, and it helps you become more present and conscious. Research studies show meditation reduces stress, fatigue, nausea, pain and anxiety and can improve mood, sleep, concentration and attention by positively changing the brain's structure.

Settle into sleep

On average, adults need seven to eight hours of quality sleep. You'll sleep best when you eat a healthy diet, get some physical activity, are exposed to sunlight in the early morning and the end of the afternoon, relax into bedtime, take some melatonin and sleep during the night in complete darkness.

Eating well

Eating poorly affects our brain's neurotransmitters and the ability to do its job, including regulating our moods. And that goes for alcohol and smoking too.
Make wise choices about what you put in your mouth and watch what happens to your brain, body and well-being.

Wellness shines when you exercise several times weekly.

Exercise provides major benefits such as improved mood, confidence, emotional balance, increased energy, strength, flexibility, stamina, reduced stress, lowered blood pressure and total cholesterol, and decreased body fat. Motivate yourself. Walk, run, bike, exercise at a gym, do yoga, try tai chi, take Pilates classes, dance, swim or hike. Embrace your personal commitment to thrive.

Self-regulation of our emotional states is critical to promoting health, longevity, and happiness.


Sophie & Ellie xx
