The Positive Effects of Flowers on your Wellbeing: Rose Petals


Our environment can play a very important role when it comes to our mood. Sometimes life gets hard and it becomes difficult to see the light in the darkness around us. To feel better, having a positive mindset is very necessary, but also the objects and beings that surround us are critical too.

Flowers and greenery can have a fundamental impact on our health; reducing stress and helping us find peace of mind. Multiple studies prove that flowers have a healing effect. People surrounded by flowers appear to be less agitated, anxious and depressed, and also they seem to have an increased life satisfaction overall.

Today we are concentrating our attention on roses- lovely, soothing, and mood-lifting flowers! In our childhood, our garden was filled with dozens of flowers! Rose petals would drift down onto us and surround us with their velvety softness and fragrance. We remember the times when we used to pluck them in order to make rose petal jam and potpourri. Who would've thought that years down the line we would refer to those experiences for inspiring others, write articles and share them with you guys!

Rose petals are so soothing, bringing harmony to the mind and provide aid in meditation and sleep.

They are one of our favourite ingredients that give a natural boost to your health, well-being and beauty. If you sprinkle Rose petals in a bath they can actually enhance your skin and mood. And the petals give off a natural calming scent that has the power to melt away the day behind you and any thoughts of a to-do list ahead of you. It's even gentle enough for sensitive skin. So treat yourself to an indulgent rose petal bath:

Pour a warm bath at the temperature that suits you. Avoid very hot water, which dehydrates the skin.

Pluck the petals from a bouquet of roses (wild are the best in order to avoid pesticides that may irritate your skin).

When the tub is halfway full, drop the petals under the running water. Let the stream of water disperse them, while infusing the bath with the roses' soothing properties.

If you wish you can mix with lavender (oil) under the running water to elevate the experience. (Lavender deepens your relaxation.)

Slip into the bath and be blissed out!

When you're all done, pat-don't rub-your skin dry. This helps your skin retain some of the moisture from the rose petal bath.

Rose petals not only that they smell heavenly, but they have plenty of benefits when included in skincare, sipped in tea or eaten.

Here are just a few:

High in Vitamin C

The rose hip plant is a brilliant source of Vitamin C - and while this amount is lessened when the petals are collected and dried, they still contain a beneficial quantity. Vitamin C supports skin cells against free radicals that cause signs of skin ageing, as well as helping to fight back by increasing collagen production. For bouncy, firm skin, keep an eye out for rose petals in products or even try making your own DIY recipes using them. (soon to be posted, stay tuned!)

Rose petals have a relaxing, calming scent

Whether you pick the scent up as a result of steeping rose petals for tea or because they're in your creams or lotions, rose petals can help to soothe a stressed, overthinking mind. If you're feeling a bit low, pop the kettle on or pamper yourself with a rose petal beauty product and you may find the ingredient leaves you feeling more uplifted and comforted. You could also try aromatherapy with a rose based essential oil.

Rose petal tea can help to soothe a sore throat

While rose tea can be uplifting for your senses, it will also help to relieve a sore throat thanks to antioxidants. Create your own infusion using dried wild rose petals. Roses also taste lovely so that's another benefit! Try combining with a few peppermint leaves and honey to taste for a warming cup (or leave it to cool and add ice for an iced infusion perfect for warmer weather).

Studies have shown rose can boost a sluggish liver

If you feel your insides need a bit of a kick-start, look to wild rose petals to help cleanse a congested and overworked liver. Its decongestant antioxidant properties will help to get everything moving and should decrease digestive issues.

Acne and breakouts can benefit from antibacterial rose petals

There's little wonder why many beauty products contain rose or rose extracts. Not only does it naturally scent products, it's also antibacterial. This means it can get to work on inflamed or blemished skin, including acne, reducing redness and preventing more breakouts. It's also an anti-inflammatory, so can help to reduce puffy skin around eyes.

Roses can even help you reclaim your lost sexuality

Use the petals in teas, tinctures, syrups, and baths, and so on. According to Ayurvedic practitioners rose petals are very effective in helping a person feel sexually active. This principle is based on the fact that roses or their extract are known to affect two subdoshas of the essential doshas in our body (vata, pitta and kapha) - sadhaka pitta and prana vata. Rose petals are not only useful to make essence or an aromatherapy oil, you can eat them too. Pluck some petals, wash them well and eat every day. This will not only help you feel energized and revitalized but will also help you feel more sexually active. If accessing fresh rose petals is difficult you can try eating gulkand / rose petal jam (rose petals crushed and fermented) on a daily basis.

Rose petals are calmingand mood-lifting. Add dried petals to potpourris, or use them in scented pouches. They help with anger, frustration, and anxiety. But remember to let go of stress, and include some opportunities for rest and relaxation in your life.

Here is to calming days ahead!

With love,

Sophie and Ellie xx


American Chemical Society (2009) Stop And Smell The Flowers -- The Scent Really Can Soothe Stress.;;thehealthsite;

Hupert, A. Baylis, N. and Keverne, B.(2005) The science of wellbeing

Kress, H.(2018) Practical Herbs