Live Consciously

Find your best self here. Discover new ways to live an inspring life through nutrition, an active lifestyle, meditation and better relationships. A unique path to better health while bringing the mind, body and spirit back into balance.

Go ahead and get excited right now about the new life that is just round the corner!

As the vibrant days of summer unfold, we approach a significant celestial event that has captured the human imagination for centuries: the Summer Solstice. On this magical day, the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, bathing us in its brilliant light and infusing the world with a profound sense of energy and possibility.

What are the actual elements that promote happiness within each of us and how can we foster communities that prioritize humans who thrive together?

Stress is an inevitable, but uncomfortable, part of life. Everyone feels stressed from time-to-time, whether we're facing big life decisions, a busy uni workload, a difficult relationship, a health crisis, or any number of day-to-day frustrations. While some stress is normal, too much stress can impact our wellbeing, which is our sense of health,...

Looking up at the sky is an activity many consider ordinary. We do it every day, often without even realising it. For millennia artists have been mesmerised by the sky, yet little is known about the lived human experience of doing so. A significant body of nature wellbeing research extols the benefits of interacting with nature to enhance...

Skiing Season


Whether you are a skier or snowboarder, preparing your body for winter is key. You'll not only have a much better time out on the mountain, but you'll also significantly improve your overall fitness too.

As a member of the Asteraceae family, Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a relative of other helpful plants such as chamomile, yarrow, dandelion, Echinacea, and Arnica. The bright orange flowers of the marigold plant are rich with powerful antiseptic (antibacterial), anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and wound-healing.

The festive season reminds us about the joy of sharing food, spending time with friends and family. Shopping, cleaning, cooking, baking, traveling and socializing - the holidays can make the last few weeks of the year a stressful time, and for many of us, it's easy to turn to food to relieve our anxiety.



Chromotherapy or Colour therapy harnesses the energies of light and the colour spectrum to assist in restoring the emotional balance which has created physical disharmony. Colour therapy is not new to the 20thcentury. This amazing form of healing was applied in the Healing Temples of light and colour at Eliopoulosin Egypt, in ancient Greece, China...

Rosehip Tea


Lauded for their medicinal qualities, rosehip remedies have been known since ancient times. The wild rose was gathered for centuries before the advancement of monastic medicine in the Middle Ages led to its domestication in medicinal monastery gardens.