Live Consciously

Find your best self here. Discover new ways to live an inspring life through nutrition, an active lifestyle, meditation and better relationships. A unique path to better health while bringing the mind, body and spirit back into balance.

Go ahead and get excited right now about the new life that is just round the corner!

Infrared Sauna


Sauna bathing is a form of whole-body thermotherapy that has been used in various forms (radiant heat, sweat lodges, etc.) for thousands of years in many parts of the world for hygiene, health, social, and spiritual purposes. Modern day sauna use includes traditional Finnish-style sauna, along with Turkish-style Hammam, Russian Banya, and other...

Psychological well-being, broadly defined as happiness, life satisfaction, and self-growth, represents one of the most important aspects of efficient psychological functioning. Indeed, much research reveals that happy people experience a number of benefits ranging from physical health to better relationships to high-level performance.

What does life balance really mean? What would a balanced life look like to us? And most importantly, how do we go about achieving it in the midst of our crazy schedules?

Over millennia, cultures developed agricultural methods, cooking and eating in harmony with other people and with the seasons. In all cultures, food was prepared (whether soaked, cooked, sprouted, pounded or fermented) in ways that ensured optimal digestion and absorption. There was a connection with community, season, and place.

Good Mood Food


Have you ever considered which eating habits and specific foods might help you to feel happier and more energized?

Aqua Gym


We arrived in Italy a few days ago and the temperature unexpectedly got warmer, and so the desire to exercise outdoors and naturally dipping into sea water became so alluring.

Core heart feelings (love, appreciation, compassion) down-regulate the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and increase the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).

Blue Space


Have you ever felt at peace when you're walking along the sea? A sense of rejuvenation when you stand by a waterfall, river or by a breathtaking lake?